A Few Words on Wording

A Few Words on Wording Professionalism in written communications seems to be dying a slow death. Texting lingo has blended with emails. What we are left with now is a hybrid kind of writing, highlighted by emojis and gifs. I do appreciate it as a form of expression. People have found a new shorthand way…

Good Things Come to the Prepared

Good Things Come to the Prepared I am sure most of us have said, or heard someone say, a sentence that began with “Things were so much better when…” and inserted a lovely nostalgic sentiment. Reminiscing can be a fun discussion between friends and family. It can bring up some wonderful old thoughts and feelings…

Small Firms and Big Problems

Small Firms and Big Problems This will be the first post of many regarding the importance of efficient and effective time management. It is a crucial element to master for both small and large businesses alike. For the purpose of this blog we will select the crisis situation principle on the small law firm level.…

The Online Auction Story

The Online Auction Story Reputable online auctions are great places to obtain unique or hard-to-find items. There is also a bit of a gamble to it, because why not try to get the item you want at a price you can live with (or at least ask for forgiveness later if you spend too much…

The Value of a Clean Intake

The Value of a Clean Intake Clean Intakes was launched, like many small businesses, with a very simple goal. That goal was to provide an affordable and high quality intake product to small law firms and solo practitioners. We knew from the beginning that this was not a new idea. There are many companies out…